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7 Shells

7 Shells, my digital comic, is now in Comixology

7 Shells: A Bad Hand, a teaser comic that’s been in production for a small time now, is available for purchase via Comixology. However, before you rush to pick up what is sure to be the debut comic book of the year*, please allow me to explain what the crime book is about.

The 10-page short story, featuring some extra world-building material, is set in the fictional Gravesport City, an East Coast town with a long history of corruption. This teaser tale, which is designed to set up a mini-series and showcase my comic book-writing chops, focuses on a card game between mob bosses. A card game that’s interrupted by a stranger with a grudge. I don’t won’t to spoil to much, it is a short story after all, so I’ll stop there.

That’s 7 Shells! Once again, you can check it out via Comxiology. There’s no print version—for now.

And, I must give a special shout out to Amrit Birdi and his team for the visual elements—such a terrific crew to work with!
