It’s not every day—or every lifetime if you believe in such things—that a person gets to live a dream.
I’ve had several dreams over my 39 years, many of which that have become reality. I’ve had the opportunity to write professionally, travel the globe, interview artistic visionaries, and even help those with dreams of their own to put one foot in front of the next and begin the march to achieving them.
I won’t say that achieving one dream is more important than achieving the others; in fact, chasing one (becoming a professional writer) opened the door to pursuing other dreams. It’s kind of a snowball effect.
That said, some dreams are slightly more exciting than others.
I’m going to be at New York Comic Con, but not as an attendee. I’ll be a speaker on the Geeks of Color Assemble: Minorities in Fandom at NYCC panel. What’s it about? Here’s a quick synopsis:
“From Community’s Abed and Troy to Miles Morales as Spiderman to Rinko Kikuchi and Idris Elba starring in Pacific Rim, this is obvious: people of color are impacting geek media. What challenges, however, do minorities still face? Discuss being a geek of color in comics, cosplay, videos games, steampunk, and more.”
If you’re not on the Facebooks or can’t view the page for whatever reason, here’s the pertinent information:
Date: 10/12/2013
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Location: 1A17
Swing by and we’ll chat.
Special shout outs to Diana Pho and K.T. Bradford for making this happening!