
My comic book dreams are entering the really real world

Three years ago, I completed my first legitimate attempt at a comic book script. It’s a 10-page, noir-driven, supernatural-infused revenge story that I thought was ready for prime time.

It was horseshit.

Thankfully, the time between then and now allowed me to read the plot and characterization with fresh eyes. I went back to the lab, tweaked dialogue, boosted themes that were far more understated than I remembered, and planted an additional seed for potential follow up tales. I’m really pleased. Though, I was pleased last go round, so what the hell do I know.

I don’t desire to become a comic book writer in the traditional fashion, but I do want to make this one-off story. Or a mini-series. It’s not one of those burning lifelong yearnings, but every person who’s read a comic book as a kid has fantasized about one day seeing their words or visuals in a series of panels. So, I figured, why not?

Recently, I’ve recently made the next step in the comic book creation process: having a talented artist design my lead character. He took my description and turned it into a reference guide for layout artists. The results are quite good. Even more recently, I’ve hired a studio to draw, ink, color, and letter my story. You’ll see the result of that soon enough.

Now, the hard work begins. And it feels damned good.

P.S. – The image above is just a teaser of what’s to come. I’ll share how the sausage is made after the comic is available for purchase.