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People Playing Games Podcast

Listen to me babble on the People Playing Games podcast!

Not too long ago, a Twitter survey shot through every Nazi’s favorite social network that asked a character-defining question: name the topics you can speak about for 30 minutes with zero prep time. One of my picks was video games. And I spoke about it for 35 minutes on the People Playing Games podcast. That extra five makes the world of difference.

In the pod, host Mike Andronico chats with me about fighting games and breaking into journalism. It’s a fun discussion that’s very much worth a play.

The Dope Science Show

Catch me on The Dope Science Show podcast!

Remember that podcast I wanted to launch? The one I wrote about way back in 2015? Well, it’s coming…soonish. I’m still a few months away from a season one launch, but doesn’t mean I’m completely divorced from the podcast scene. I like gab and jibber jabber, after all.

I recently appeared on Stephany Lowe’s extremely cool The Dope Science Show after the host and I mixed it up and discovered common interests on ye ol’ Instagram. In this ep, we chat about many topics, including the declining bumblebee population, Nintendo Switch, and Black people in the sciences. It’s a lively discussion inter cut with some killer tunes.

So, do Stephany and me a solid by checking out The Dope Science Show at any of the links below!


A wild podcast approaches!

Not very long ago, I ran a well-respected website devoted to video games and video game culture: 2D-X. For a number of reasons, both internal and external, I decided to shutter it in 2014 after a solid five-year run. I met great friends, made connections with a range of interesting people, and chopped it up with editorial icons that I’ve admired from afar for a long time.

Still, closing 2D-X was one of the smartest moves I’ve ever made.

2D-X was never intended to grow into something significant, which was clear by the many mistakes that were made as the site grew. I eventually found the winning formula, but by that time I was…tired. Monitoring traffic, editing stories, and acquiring product was something I did in my day job; 2D-X demanded that I do it at night, too. I even added a podcast that morphed into a videocast. It wasn’t meant to be that much work.

Birthed from the pain that came with working for a horrific company where checks bounced and employees were left broken people, 2D-X was pure escapism. It was a place where I could write happy nostalgia pieces about old games. It made me smile until it made me not smile.

But the urge to create has returned. And this time, it has nothing to do with job-related ills.

I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a podcast for a short time now. Actually, that’s an understatement. I have a notebook full of potential show names and hardware purchases. I’ve had a fine time researching, plotting, and planning. Surveying the podcast landscape for ideas has led to the discovery of many wonderful shows, including The Brilliant IdiotsFreakonomics Radio, and Spawn On Me. Informative. Entertaining. They represent what I love about the podcast medium. And I have the audacity to believe that I can produce something of similar quality.

I can’t reveal an exact date, as I’m still hammering out a recording schedule, but the podcast is definitely happening. I have a theme, topics, and potential guests lined up, and can’t wait to edit, blend, and fade audio clips into a beautiful sound-quilt.

Stay tuned. This is going to be fun.

Image courtesy of Sweet Water.